The Freedom Festival Committee is made up of volunteers from all branches of the military services
Click the image below to visit their website.

The Freedom Festival Committee is made up of volunteers from all branches of the military services
Click the image below to visit their website.

The Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church will have a special service starting at 0930 on November 6, followed by a luncheon around 1100. The veteran’s will eat free, with a freewill offering for others. There will be fish fry, shrimp, and fried chicken, with coleslaw and hush puppies, etc.
Please RSVP to 540-635-5859, by November 4.
All veterans are invited to the Memorial Day Picnic at the Elks Lodge #2382 in Front Royal.
Please bring a covered dish to share.
VFW Members along with local Boy Scout Troops will hold a brief ceremony and then place American flags on Veterans’ graves. All are welcome.
VFW Members along with local Boy Scout Troops will hold a brief ceremony and then place American flags on Veterans’ graves.
All are welcome to attend.
Please join us on Saturday, 22 June 2019 from 12:00 – 19:00 for a Post Fundraiser at the Post Pavilion.
Post members will be grilling up American favorites of burgers, hot dogs, Brats/Sausages, chicken and the finest homemade “fixins” (Slaw, Tatter Salad, Beans, etc.) Soft drinks, adult beverages (beer and wine available), water, coffee and tea will be available for a reasonable charge and donations are always appreciated.
Gate/door Prizes, Raffles and more. We are working on musical entertainment to compliment our event.
Go to: to purchase a Raffle Ticket!
The Colonel Samuel R. Millar Post 1860 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, in partnership with Shenandoah Ford, wants to help two lucky people celebrate.
First number drawn has choice of vehicles, second number drawn takes the other one home!
$50 buys a chance for the September 14, 2019 drawing to be held at 2 PM at
Shenandoah Ford
9135 Winchester Rd
Front Royal VA 22630
Post 1860 Member, Family and Honored Guests
What: VFW Post 1860’s Christmas and Holiday Celebration
When: Saturday, Jan 11th 2020. Social hour 2-3 PM, Dinner served immediately following.
– Baked Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Salads, Rolls, dessert, etc.! Beer, wine and limited cocktails provided.
Where: Giles B Cook, American Legion Post 53, located at 22 W. 8th Street, Front Royal, VA.
RSVP’s required: Total attending no later than 27 Dec 2019. Email us or or call me us at 540-660-4313.
Next Post Meeting: 19 Dec 2019. Motions expected on sale or donation of Post’s River Front property. Your attendance is needed/required.