Karaoke with L&J Entertainment
2015 Memorial Day Observance at Panorama Memorial Gardens
May 25th – 10:00
Please join VFW Post 1860 in welcoming the 2015 Warrior Hike Appalachian Trail hikers.
For more information about the Warrior Hike, please visit http://warriorhike.com/about/.
Steak and Chicken Dinner with Karaoke to follow
Options: Steak or Chicken
Dinner includes: baked potato, salad and roll
Dinner free for NEW members who bring DD214 and pay
Karaoke with L&J Entertainment
Steak and Chicken Dinner
Options: Steak or Chicken
Dinner includes: baked potato, salad and roll
Dinner free for NEW members who bring DD214 and pay
Boy Scouts will be retiring American Flags in a ceremony at 3:00pm at the VFW Post 1860 Pavilion.
You are welcome to bring American Flags to be retired. Please drop them off before noon.
Loving Arms Assisted Living will be hosting a breakfast fundraiser to benefit the rebuilding of VFW Post 1860.
Tickets may be pre-purchased from Loving Arms for $5.
Tickets will be $8 at the door.
The Freedom Festival Committee is made up of volunteers from all branches of the military services
Click the image below to visit their website.